Friday, April 10, 2009

Weekly Report # 33

We had a nice relaxed week as far as school goes. We have met most of our goals for this year so I am worrying less about what we get done and trying to slow down and enjoy our time more. This has been a hard task for me throughout the year but I am getting better at it! Soccer season just started so we are trying to adjust to a new schedule once again. The end of the week was busy with Easter/Pageant preperations. It was a very fun but long weekend! To top things off DD WON the pageant!


DS- Yellow Book Pages 224-231
DD- Spectrum Workbook Pages 104-109
DD- Workbook Pages 148-163 (Now that she is reading quite well we are starting to focus on grammar- We worked on Capitilization, Periods, Capitalizing "I", Simple Sentences, word order, and Question Sentences)
DS- Master Reader Lessons 17 & 18
Watched "Bedtime Stories" which led to a discussion of fiction/non-fiction

DD- Saxon Lessons 101-105
DS- Saxon Lessons 100-104
DD- Workbook Pages 378+379- Money Math

Russia Review
DD- Workbook Pages 256-257 Maps

Watched Planted Earth- Jungles
Watched Planted Earth- Animals around the globe


Oil color paintings
Puffy paint pictures
(Math) Listened to Math Tunes that Teach throughout the week

DS- Read The Courage of Sarah Noble, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl 2, and finished Left Behind Kids.
DD- Read Skippy Jon Jones
I read aloud "The City of Ember" Chapters 3-7


DD- Soccer practice 2x
DS- Soccer Practice 2x
DS- Attended a friends Sunday School and Church sermon
DD- Church
DD/DS- BBQ at friends house/Playdate
Community Easter Egg Hunt
Miss Lane County Pageant- DD is now Princess University of Oregon!