Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Little Girl Recieves H1N1 Shot without parents permission-

Brooklyn girl winds up in hospital after being injected with H1N1 swine flu vaccine without parental permission
Wednesday, November 04, 2009 by: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
Key concepts: Swine flu, Hospital and Swine flu vaccine
View on NaturalPedia: Swine flu, Hospital and Swine flu vaccine

A six-year-old Brooklyn girl, Nikiyah Torres-Pierre, was hospitalized recently after being injected with the swine flu vaccine. The vaccination was conducted entirely without her parents' permission in an incident school nurses are calling "a mistake."

Mother Naomi Troy told the NY Daily News, "I was outraged." After receiving the swine flu injection, her daughter complained she was itching and her stomach was hurting. That's when school officials called an ambulance that rushed Nikiyah to the hospital.

Nikiyah is epileptic and takes prescription medication to treat the condition. Her mother was concerned about the possible side effects of combining a swine flu vaccine shot with epilepsy drugs and was waiting to hear back from her doctor before giving the school permission to vaccinate her daughter. That permission was apparently irrelevant, as some schools simply vaccinate any and all children without concern for parental permission.

After injecting her daughter without permission, the school nurse then called Naomi Troy and tried to persuade her to sign a consent form after the fact. "I was insulted. I was really angry," said Naomi.

So far, 1,800 NY students have been vaccinated against swine flu. Hundreds of thousands more are in line to be vaccinated when a sufficient supply of vaccines is made available.

Protect your children from state officials

What this incident demonstrates is the important need for parents to protect your children from the vaccination agenda being pushed by the State. Even without your permission, your children can be called to the nurse's office and forcibly injected with a substance that could harm or kill them.

You, the parent, might be called after the fact -- after your child winds up in the hospital, suffering from bizarre side effects even though doctors swore the vaccine was "perfectly safe."

Every day that you send your child to a public school, you run the risk that the next time you see your child, it may be in the hospital... or the morgue. Many state Dept. of Health employees who serve as school nurses don't pay any attention to parental permission. They just inject every child they can get their hands on.

And even if your child faints, or collapses into a coma, or even dies from the side effects of the vaccine, they'll claim such things are "pure coincidence" and couldn't be caused by the vaccine itself. How do they know that? Because they've been told "the vaccine is safe." And they believe it.

If you have a child in the public school system -- and you don't want them to be vaccinated with the H1N1 vaccines -- you need to take special precautions by writing a strongly-worded note informing your school principal (and nursing staff) that if your child is vaccinated without your permission, you will sue for damages.

As a public service to NaturalNews readers, I've written and posted precisely such a letter that you can freely use for this purpose. You'll find it here:

Use this letter to stand up for your rights as a parent! Don't let the schools inject your child with a potentially harmful chemical substance. Take action now to protect the rights of you and your children.

Sources for this story include:

NY Daily News:

A reminder to myself...

I love this following verse. It reminds me that I NEED to ask for help once in a while. I have always found it really hard to do. Thanks to those of you (You know who you are) who are always just a phone call away (Or a mouse click) keeping me going on those days where I am not sure than I can.

Proverbs 11:14
Where there is no guidance the people fall, but in abundance of counselors there is victory.