Friday, June 26, 2009

Summer Update

Wow it has been busy around here! We have continued on with our studies but I haven't found the time to blog them. I am going to do my best to keep up with the blog this summer but I doubt it will be consistent.

DD- Saxon 2- Lessons 7-11
DS- 3 Multiplication review worksheets


DS- Workbook work Pages 38-54 (language mechanics)
DD- Workbook work, writing and parts of a sentence
DS- Master Reader Lessons 25+26

Secret Garden Chapters 9-11

DD- Playdate at our house with friend (3x)
DS- Playdate at our house with friend
Vacation Bible School (5x)
Sunday School
DS-Friend Sleepover at our house (2x)
DS- Reading Program at the library
DS/DD- Swimming with friends