Friday, October 24, 2008

Week # 9

I came down with a nasty head cold on Tuesday. It really hampered our school efforts this week. We did manage to get a little done. Most of it on Monday and a few little things throughout the week.

English/Language Arts-
Field Trip Summary- the kids wrote about our field trip to Roloff farms and drew a picture of the things we did there.

DD-Workbook #1- page 48-49 + review of previously learned sight words.
Workbook #2- Still working on short vowels.

SPELLING- DS & DD- Spelling DVD 30 minutes each- new spelling words for both. They are still loving this game and are doing great with spelling!


DD- Saxxon Math Lesson 25
DS- Saxxon Math Lessons 31 & 32
DD- Math drill - addition and subtraction


Passport- Entered Belize- traded money for Brazilian real.
Intermediate World Atlas pg 52-55
Geography Game- (South America) By the end of the week, only having played it twice- DD could locate 3 out of 12 countries and DS could locate 7 out of 12!
A trip around the world- Interesting facts about Brazil- Crossword puzzle.
Started Brazil lapbook- Flag, Animals, layers of the rain forest

Tropical Rain forests-
Activity- where the jungles are- found all the rain forests on a world map- colored them, entered them in our World notebook
Wild Places- In the Jungle, Why rainforests are important, River Amazon, Strange Plants
Living World- Amazon, Rain forest plants

We started a potatoe plant experiment on Friday- more about it next week.

Video- Smithsonian National Zoo- Really interesting video- We learned about a lot of different endangered animals from all over the world and about thier conservation efforts. It led to a great discussion!

No special music this week- my head couldn't take it! We did an art project though. A local bank is hosting a pumpkin decorating contest. The kids worked on thier own pumpkins. They turned out SO cute! Pictures and results listed soon!

DS- Read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to page 68
I read aloud- 5 Little Monkeys reading in bed. Nate Saint Chapter 3 and Rain Forest.

Cheerleading, soccer, Girl Scouts. DS went hunting for the first time with Hubby and Grandpa! Had a great time! DD had her first real sleep over at a friends house. She had a great time. I, on the other hand, did not. She did call me quite a bit which was nice, but it was hard for me to go to bed without tucking her in :( and waking up without her here... It will be a long while before another sleepover happens!


Ms Eva said...

You should check out this link:

They have a free download for Charlie & the Choc. Factory