Monday, December 29, 2008

week # 17

We had a good week. What I can remember about it now ( I am two weeks late posting this!) We had a snow storm come through so the kids spent all of Monday outside playing with the neighborhood kids . It gave me a chance to catch up on things in the house, wrapping presents, preparing lessons, cleaning, ect. Public school was canceled 3 days this week, though we only took Monday off. It helped me feel a little more accomplished as I have been feeling "behind" as much as I try not to let myself fall in to that way of thinking.



Most of the snow had melted by this point- but it was still so pretty!

We were still studying the continent of Europe- Our current country is Germany.


I read aloud from Window on the World- Turkey
I read aloud from Hero Tales- John Wesley
Memory Verse Mathew 6:19
Colored John 3:16 German Coloring page

Copied Memory Verse
Dictation of memory verse (Daily)
DS- Yellow Book page 94-109
DD- Workbook #1 Page 67-75
DD- Workbook #4 Page 24-25
DD/DS- Started our New Year book -
DD/DS- Both kids started thier own blogs and wrote numerous entries.
DD- Language Arts DVD- Worked on Rhyming words 20 mins

DD- Spelling DVD (2x 20 mins)
DS- Spelling test

DS- Saxon Lesson 52 + 53
DD- Saxon Lessons 46-50
DD- Math workbook page 21

DD- MATH DVD- Subtraction
DS- Multiplication worksheet


The Language of Germany from A Trip Around the World
Played Geography game - Europe, South and North America
We hosted a German dinner (Which is traditionally eaten at noon- so really we had lunch) The kids made German pancakes with applesauce.



I read aloud from Living World- Up in the Canopy, Forest Floor
Added to our Frog Observation notebooks.

We made paper snowflakes and decorated the house with them. With the snow outside it seemed a more fitting project than the one I had originally planned!
We looked up German songs online and found some that the kids really enjoyed- one of thier favorites- The theme song from Spongebob Squarepants :)


I read aloud - Who will Guide My Sleigh Tonight?
A Light in the Attic (Pages 1-40) The kids are LOVING the poems and didn't want me to stop!
George Mueller- chapters 12-17

DS- finished Narnia chapter book.
DD- Read Peters Dream. Then listened to the read along CD and read through it again.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

We wanna blog too!

My daughter has been wanting to have her own blog ever since she saw her cousin with one. I thought about it and decided it would be great practice for her and she could have fun doing it. So today I helped her set it up. She picked the template and named it and came up with her own "About me." She even posted her first post today :)
I had to edit this to say that as I was making dinner DS asked me if he could have his own blog. He apparently saw a Pokemon background when DD was working on finding a background for her blog. I went ahead and set one up for him, but as he hates writing I don't expect him to use it much...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Week # 16

My Grandpa's funeral was on Monday. Needless to say we did nothing that day, or the following 3 days. We travelled back to Oregon on Wednesday. It is nice to be home, but there is so much to do to get ready for Christmas- and to get caught up on school work I am feeling very overwhelmed. We did get some school work in though. We don't usually do "structured-sit down" lessons on the weekends but did fit in some Math this weekend....
Hopefully next week will be better. If I can just make it through Christmas....

DD- Workbook #1 Pages 62-66 (She is doing awesome with reading and needs very little help reading questions now)

DD- Saxon Lessons 44 & 45 (Assesment #8- 100%)
DS- Saxon Lessons 48-51 (Assesment #9- Did really well, missing one due to not reading question through- a very common problem with him)
(DH actually sat down and did a math lesson with his this weekend. He needed a little help at times, but it was really nice!)
DS- Multiplication worksheets

Passport- Germany
We read interesting facts about Germany from A Trip around the World.
Took Europe test- Tested them on blank maps of Europe- DS got 10/14 correct, DD 5/13 correct.
Colored a German flag and learned flag facts.

Read from Wild Places- In a Swiss Valley
Read from Living World- Temperate Forests and Decidious Forests
Made maps of our back yard- labeling the trees decidious or evergreen.
(The kids working hard on thier maps)

Cheer practice and Cheer competition- (DD's team won and got a bid to semi finals in L.A!)

We made homemade hot cocoa. The kids did all the measuring and reading instructions. They had a lot of fun with it.

I read aloud from George Muller- Chapter 11
DS- Read more from Narnia

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Week # 15

The last few weeks have been really challenging. We have had some personal issues going on which makes it really hard to focus on school work. I am again having doubts whether I am cut out to do this.
While visiting family in California for the holidays my Grandfather became ill and was hospitalized. We stayed as long as we could but had to come home so DH could keep things running at the shop. On our way back home to Oregon, we recieved a call saying that Grandfather's situation had deteriorated greatly and he was not expected to live much longer. I had some things I had to take care of before we could return, so I dealt with my commitments and "tried" to do some school work with the kids. But my mind really was elsewhere. What little school work we did do was mostly done while we were at home on Monday and Tuesday. We ended up returning to California only having been home for two days. I packed hastily but did remember to pack a few school things. Some of them didn't get used, but at least I had the right intentions...

Next week we will still be in California. The funeral is on Monday so I don't expect too much school work to get done then either... I am really wondering if we can pull this off...

Window on the World- Gypsies
Hero Tales- William Tyndale
Memory Verse

Copied Memory Verse
Dictation of Memory Verse (They did not memorize it this week as we only worked on it two days)
Months Book- December writing activity and colored cover page for MONTHS Book
DS- Yellow Book Pages 87-94, Spelling Test (%100)
DD- Workbook #4 Pages 58-61 (She is reading most of the directions herself now and starting to work more independently)
DS- Scholastic Reading Placement test ( I wish I had access to it when we first began!) He got 90% in each category- placing him above 3rd grade reading level.

SPELLING- DD & DS Spelling DVD 4 x each for 30 mins (I remembered to pack this so they were able to work on it while we were away from home)

DD- Saxon Lesson 43, 5 worksheets ( I didn't bring out math program so I found some cool worksheets at ) 5 worksheets- time, word problems, addition and subtraction, Order.
DS- Saxon Lesson 47, 5 worksheets (Multiplication, word problems, triple digit addition, number squares)
DRILLS- DD- MATH DVD addition and subtraction 1x 20 mins.

Illustrated World Atlas- Farming and Industry
Another Trip Around the World- Language- FRANCE
Another Trip Around the World- Activity- made homeade hot cocoa- the kids loved this one!
Played Geography Game with all 3 boards (North America, South America, and Europe) We brought this with us so they played it in California too. 3x for 30 mins+


Living World- Endangered Species, Describing Living things

Unfortunatley, when we left for California the first time we left a neighbor in charge our tadpoles care. When we returned home one was dead and the other two were not looking so good. They are still living at the moment, but I don't have high hopes for them. We were all very disapointed :(


I read aloud from George Mueller- Chapters 3-10

DS read 39 Clues. Finishing it just an hour before book club was to meet- Unfortunatley we were already on our way back to California so he was unable to participate in the meeting, but the librarian was nice enough to give him next months book to start.

DD read Hippo wants to play 2x this week.


We made soap this week. We read about the history of making soap in France.


Cheer, Church- the kids got to go to Grandma's church in California. I opted not to go and spent some much needed quiet time at my Dad's house.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Week # 14

We had a short week due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. We traveled to California, so technically only had two real school days. I had planned on working with the kids a little on the drive and while we were there. We had things come up and it just didn't happen.

Window on the World- Albania
Colored John 3:16 FRENCH coloring page
REad from Hero Tales about Menno Simmons, review questions
Memory Verse from Mathew

Copied Memory Verse
Dictation of Memory Verse
DS- 3 pages from Yellow Book
DS- Thank you letter to Grandpa for Birthday present
DD- Wkbk #1 pg 57, Wk #4 Pg 23
DD/DS- worked on indipendent study (DD is taking this project very seriously and works on it often, Used her library time very wisely and picked out numerous different books and videos on her subject. DS is not doing well. He needs frequent reminders and even then he drags his feet)
SPELLING- DD/DS- Spelling DVD 2x 20 mins each

DD- Saxxon Lessons 41 and 42
DS- Saxxon Lesson 45 and 46- Assesment #8 - Did well, missed a few but they were due to rushing through as usual.
DD- Subtraction game

Stamped our passports, read about France from Another Trip Around the World, Crossword Puzzle- France.
Read from Illustrated World Atlas- People and Places
Colored French Flag and learned its meaning.
Played Geography Game- Europe
Watched and episode of Survivor Man (He was in the Amazon Jungle living out in the wild for 5 days)

REad from Living World- Living With People, People and Parasites, and Extinctions
Watched an Episode of Oregon Field Guide about Underwater Fossils.

I read aloud from George Muller- Chapters 1&2
DS read 39 Clues Chapters 1-4

Trip to California to visit family for the holidays!