Monday, December 29, 2008

week # 17

We had a good week. What I can remember about it now ( I am two weeks late posting this!) We had a snow storm come through so the kids spent all of Monday outside playing with the neighborhood kids . It gave me a chance to catch up on things in the house, wrapping presents, preparing lessons, cleaning, ect. Public school was canceled 3 days this week, though we only took Monday off. It helped me feel a little more accomplished as I have been feeling "behind" as much as I try not to let myself fall in to that way of thinking.



Most of the snow had melted by this point- but it was still so pretty!

We were still studying the continent of Europe- Our current country is Germany.


I read aloud from Window on the World- Turkey
I read aloud from Hero Tales- John Wesley
Memory Verse Mathew 6:19
Colored John 3:16 German Coloring page

Copied Memory Verse
Dictation of memory verse (Daily)
DS- Yellow Book page 94-109
DD- Workbook #1 Page 67-75
DD- Workbook #4 Page 24-25
DD/DS- Started our New Year book -
DD/DS- Both kids started thier own blogs and wrote numerous entries.
DD- Language Arts DVD- Worked on Rhyming words 20 mins

DD- Spelling DVD (2x 20 mins)
DS- Spelling test

DS- Saxon Lesson 52 + 53
DD- Saxon Lessons 46-50
DD- Math workbook page 21

DD- MATH DVD- Subtraction
DS- Multiplication worksheet


The Language of Germany from A Trip Around the World
Played Geography game - Europe, South and North America
We hosted a German dinner (Which is traditionally eaten at noon- so really we had lunch) The kids made German pancakes with applesauce.



I read aloud from Living World- Up in the Canopy, Forest Floor
Added to our Frog Observation notebooks.

We made paper snowflakes and decorated the house with them. With the snow outside it seemed a more fitting project than the one I had originally planned!
We looked up German songs online and found some that the kids really enjoyed- one of thier favorites- The theme song from Spongebob Squarepants :)


I read aloud - Who will Guide My Sleigh Tonight?
A Light in the Attic (Pages 1-40) The kids are LOVING the poems and didn't want me to stop!
George Mueller- chapters 12-17

DS- finished Narnia chapter book.
DD- Read Peters Dream. Then listened to the read along CD and read through it again.