Monday, May 4, 2009

Weekly Report # 37 & 38

Memory Verse

Copied Memory Verse
Dictation of Memory Verse Daily
DS- worked in Yellow Book
I read aloud "About the Author- Frances Hodgson Burnett" from The Secret Garden Literature Unit Guide.
Introduced Vocabulary words from "The Secret Garden"
Looked up 5 words daily in the Dictionary and wrote the meanings out in our Vocabulary Journals.
DS- Test Prep Pages 1-20
DD- Master Reader DVD lesson 8
DS- Cursive Handwriting practice
Worked on our Months of the Year book
Learned about Cinco De Mayo- Worksheet

DD- Saxon Lesson 122-127
DS- Saxon Lesson 117-121
Played "Money Bags" several times
DD- counting coins lapbook

Watched Antarctica movie
DD/DS took turns reading Penguin poems and story's from "Another Trip Around the World"
DD/DS- Penguin worksheet
Added Antarctica to our Continents lapbook
Worked on maps in our workbooks
Book Basket 2x

Bug Hunting in the backyard

Made Antarctica animal puppets

We started our new family read aloud "The Secret Garden" Chapters 1-3
DD- Read several different first reader books throughout the week
DS- finished Swamp Creek Gang and read a few smaller chapter books.

Church- Went to Care Center and sang songs and recited verses for the elderly.
Ice Cream Social with Sunday School class at the ice cream shop.
DD/DS- Soccer Practice 4x
DD/DS- Soccer Games 2x
Ice Skating
DD- Gymnastics 2x
Girl Scouts
Playdate at our house with friends
BBQ at friends house