Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekly Report # 8

DD- Read aloud from Bible stories for Bed Time


DD- Saxon 2 Lesson 49-55
DS- Saxon 5/4 Lesson 40-44
Listened to Multiplication Tunes that Teach throughout the week
DS/DD- Played games at throughout the week

Continued to talk about the writing process- Focused on Revising
Vacab card- Tele (English from the roots up)
DS-Workbook page 96-101 (OI,OY,OU,OW, Endings ER-EST)
DS- Workbook 2- Page 38-45 (Identifying cause and effect, Classifying,Drawing conclusions)
DD- Workbook Page 56-60 (Revising,Proofreading)
DD- Workbook 2 Page 64-71 (Thinking Skills, Reading Skills)
DS- Master Reader Lesson 34
DD- Master Reader Lesson 13
DD- Cursive Handwriting Practice (A,B,C,D)

Reviewed the 7 continents- memorizing them in order of size
Map work- Floor Plans
Watched documentary "September 11th- Through Children's Eyes"
Watched an episode of "The Amazing Race"- The kids are excited to learn more about Dubai after seeing it on this episode!
Discussed the original 13 states
Map Test- United States-
Worked on United States puzzle
Continued to read from "Dinosaurs of Eden- (The theory of evolution)"

Started Study on Animals- (Per kids request) Animals of the Arctic Region and Antarctica- Caribou
Continued to read from "Pyramids"
Began reading "Pyramid Builders"

I continued to read aloud from "Eleven" Chapter 15-24
Started our new read aloud "Katy"- Chapters 1-2
Silent Reading 1 hr 6x
DD/DS- Read aloud 45 mins each

Listened to Vivaldi throughout the week
Symmetrical poster paintings
"Spring" Painting- Inspired by Vivaldi's 4 Seasons- Spring

DS-Rosetta Stone- Lesson 1
DD-Rosetta Stone Lesson 1


DS-Football Game
DS-Football Practice 3x
DS-Sleepover at friends house
DD-Cheer practice 2x
DD- Tumbling practice 1x
DD- Private Cheer Lesson 1x
DD/DS- Playdate at friends house

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wordless Wednesday-


Monday, October 12, 2009

Weekly Report # 7

I finally went to the dr this week after being sick for about 2 weeks, I found out I had the flu AND tonsilitis. After getting some meds I am finally starting to feel human again.

DS- Saxon 5/4 Lessons 34-39
DD- Saxon 2 Lessons 42-48

Reviewed Parts of language - Nouns, verbs, sentences, prefixes, suffixes,antonyms, synonyms-
Learned about abbreviations.
Discussed Folktales, Tall tales, storytellers, Comedy, Limericks, Sayings
DD- Workbook Page 52-55 - (Drafting)
DD- Wrkbk 2- Pages 53-63 (Thinking Skills, Reading Skills,Language Skills)
DS-Workbook Pages 85-95
DS- Workbook 2 Page 24-37 (Sequencing, Analyzing characters, Predictions)
Watched an episode of "Classical Baby" (Poetry)
DS- Master Reader Lesson 33

Watched an episode of Oregon Field Guide

Continued to read from "Eleven" Chapter 10-14
I read aloud "The Selfish Crocodile" by Foustin Charles and Michael Terry, "Barbie Loves Cheerleading" "Where the Wild Things are" by Maurice Sendak
DD/DS- Silent Reading 1 hr 4x

The kids put on a talent show, making a script and even writing their own original song! They worked on it for days while I was sick and put on the show Wednesday night! Very very cute!

DS- Football Game
DS- Football Practice 3x
DD- Cheer Practice
Watched the movie "Where the Wild Things Are"

Weekly Report # 6

Not a good week by any standards. We still had a house guest and we were all really sick. The kids started feeling better by the end of the week. I on the other hand did not, nor did Grandma. (Still not feeling well if you can believe that!) We accomplished nothing, not even visiting time as we were all sick in bed for the most part! What a bummer!

DS- studied Ruth with Grandma

DS- Saxon 5/4 Lesson 33
Listened to Math Tunes that Teach

DS/DD- Both spent two entire days making projects with Electronic Snap Circuits. They literally made projects from 8 am until dinner. They made so many cool projects!

Listened to Vivaldi

DS- Football Practice 3x
DS- Football Game
All other activities were cancelled due to being sick.