Monday, December 7, 2009

Weekly Report # 14

It is amazing how much "extra" time we seem to be able to find now that we are not tied down to the football schedule. DS is going to take a break from sports until after the holidays then it will be on to something new.. Not quite sure what yet... Trying to encourage him in to taking some music lessons, but so far he has no interest. I am enjoying the break- only having to run one child to activities is so much easier! I will enjoy it while it lasts!
DD finally reached her goal of getting her back walk over perfected! She has been working on it for many months. She is so proud of herself, as are we! It is an integral part of her individual cheer routine and now that she has it- her coach has changed her team routine to make her front and center with her new moves!
She is ecstatic!

DD is excited about math- getting ready to officially start multiplication next week. She is still working really hard to get to her goal of starting 3rd grade math this year. (She wants desperately to catch up to brother!)

DS is doing better in math. He actually woke up before everyone else one day this week and started in on his math before being told. He said "The sooner I get started the sooner I am done." Holy cow- did I finally get through to him?!?!?!?

Both the kids have a renewed interest in history thanks to The Story of the World book that we started. (Thanks SIL for letting us borrow it!!) The format works really well for them (AND ME!) We all really enjoy it and we are moving faster than I originally had planned as they were asking to do more throughout the week :)

DD- Saxon 2- Lesson 79-88
DS- Saxon 5/4 Lesson 55-59
DD- Fact Card Practice

DS- Workbook Pg 85-92 (Reading skills practice test 8&9)
DS- Workbook #2- Page 110-115 (Plurals and showing ownership)
DS- Spelling Lesson # 5
DS- Spelling Test-10/15
DS- Spelling practice for missed words from test
DS- Spelling Pre Test (Next Weeks Words) 8/15
DD-Workbook Page 87-94 (Writing Dialogue,Setting, Characters, Problem, Comics)
DD-Workbook #2 Page 108-117 (Thinking Skills, Reading Skills,Language Skills)
DD-Spelling Workbook Page 43-47
DD-Spelling Test 100%
DD- Spelling Pre-test (Next weeks words) 8/10
DD- Cursive Handwriting Practice- G
English from the Roots Up- Metron- Made vocab card- practiced word-meaning throughout the week.
Reviewed previously learned Greek root words
Letter Writing- DS continued to write thank you's for birthday presents, DD writing to friends
Added another page to our "ME" books- "My measurements"
Did Mad Libs throughout the week (The kids' new favorite stress reliever :)

Started reading "The Story of the World, Book 1- Ancient Times" (Introduction, Chapter #1, Chapter #2,Chapter #3)
Review Questions- Chapter #1 #2 # 3
Map Work- Nile River/Egypt
Map Work- Egypt/Sumer
Coloring Page- Osiris and Set
Coloring Page-Carving Hieroglyphs
Continued reading from "The kids Money Book" (Minting,Paper money,Markings on paper money)
Made and decorated crowns representing the King with the White Crown, and the King with the Red Crown-
The kids decided they would do a reenactment of the Battle for control of Egypt.

Pre Battle- Poor King with the Red Crown- No idea he was about to be overthrown :)
No battle photos available as the battle was too intense :)



Continued our Animal Study- Adding Polar Bears and Seals to our Animal Notebook

Listened to classical music by various composers throughout the week (I found a really cool CD set a few weeks ago, it has become a staple in our house!)

Continued to read aloud from "Esther" Chapter 5-14- (Great book! The kids expressed interest in celebrating Purim this year)
Started reading the new book club selection " " Chapter 1-2
Silent Reading 45 min daily

DS- Rosetta Stone L.1.1 Listening, L.1.1 Listening and Reading
DS- Worksheet 1.1.3
DD- Rosetta Stone L 1.1 Speaking
DD- Numbers worksheet

DD- Cheer Practice 2x
DD- Private Cheer Lesson
DD- Participated in Christmas Parade with Cheer team
DS- Playdate at friends house
DD- Playdate at friends house
DD- Gymnastics Private Lesson
DD/DS- Book Club Meeting


Ms Eva said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! You've had a 'model' homeschool week! I love that you are enjoying SOTW as much as we do. Looking forward to your call! :D

Coincidentally, the word verification for this comment is "cousn" ... I read it as cousin. :D