Sunday, November 9, 2008

Week # 11

Had another really good week! I wasn't great about recording everything we did this week though. Was too caught up in what we were doing!

Memory Verse Mathew 5:16 - This was a really long one so I didn't expect the kids to memorize it really. Just to hear it and get familiar with it.
Read Mathew 7:13-29 & 8:1-4
Lots of discussion on Nate Saint. We visited the MAF website to learn more about him and see pictures of him and his family.

Copied Memory Verse
DD- Workbook # 1 Pages 60-69 (+ daily review of sight words) She finished her first workbook this week and started a new one. She did pages 35-48 in the new one. She didn't want to stop working! So we just kept going until I finally had to stop her!
DS & DD worked on Spelling DVD each day. they are still enjoying it but I can see it getting old very soon as we have changed the spelling words numerous times but they have won all the prizes already so...
DS- Yellow Book Pgs 55-69 + Spelling Test %100!


Still focusing on South America, Brazil in particular. We got familiar with the flag, and the different maps of South America. We played the South America game, with the North America game three times this week.
DS- finished the South America packet
We continued working on our Brazil lapbook.
Friday we took our South America test. DS located all the countries but one! DD identified three!

We read more form WILD PLACES- Animal disguises and warnings, colorful birds, jungle killers, living in the rain forest.
Also read more from LIVING WORLD- Colors in the rain forest and Rain Forest Hunters.
We continued to monitor our potato plants. They are finally growing. We are all excited to have an experiment that actually worked for once! We will begin graphing thier growth next week.

DS- Saxxon Lessons 37-39
DD- Saxxon Lessons 31-34
Math Drills- Addition & Subtraction

I read aloud- Rainforest, Amazon Adventures, We finished Nate Saint (chapters 10-16)and A Visit To Brazil.

DD- read aloud WHEN I AM BIG
DS- Read Journey to the Center of the Earth.

Cheerleading, BMX race, Royal Rangers (DD has now joined this group as well) Book Club (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- DD was able to participate too) Girl Scouts (2 Nut Sales booths and a meeting)
DS- Went on a trip to Washington, DH teaching him about the landscape and roads, directions as they went along.



Ms Eva said...

A busy week! Love the pictures of the kids on their bikes! :)