Tuesday, November 11, 2008

You've come a long way baby!!

I admit, I have always been that "typical" girl who screamed and ran away at the sight of anything creepy and crawly... spiders, snakes, bugs. But a few years ago, I realized that by showing my fears so openly the kids were inheriting my fears. I decided right then and there to make a real effort to change how I expressed myself in front of the kids. I am happy to report that it has worked tremendously! DS used to be SO afraid of snakes and spiders. DD always had a natural curiosity about them. These days it is not surprising to see them capturing spiders and bugs and running to thier field guide to try to find out what exactly it is. DD in particular loves logging her finds in her Nature Book. I am finding that because I have stopped being so vocal about my dislike of these creepy crawly insects I am not nearly as afraid or "creeped out" by them. Funny how that works!
Recently, we have walked out in the garage to find SNAKES! The kids think it is awesome. As much as I have relaxed, I do not share thier sentiment! I still shudder a bit when I see them.. Anyhow, here is the kids' latest find... (This kid would NOT have come near one of these just a few years ago!)


Ms Eva said...



VictoriaS6 said...

Yeah, I'm not big on the creapy crawly things either! But with Troy gone there is no one else but me to kill the spiders in the house! As long as I have a long stick it's all good! hahahaha It is good that the kids are getting over their fears, and you are growing in leaps and bounds as well! Great job! But I'm with you..... I don't like them either, just don't let that trait rub off on the kids! Let them come to their own conclusions about them! :0)