Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Washington trip- in DD's words

I asked DD to draw a picture and write a paragraph about our time in Washington. She did really well and was so proud of herself when I read it back to her, not having to stop and ask her what certain words were. She replied "You could read all of that by yourself?! I am a very good writer!" It was nice seeing her be so proud of herself. I am proud too. She is making so much progress.

"We slappt in a hotall room. We wet to cherled. We drev to Seadall then we wet hom now that the end. "

(We slept in a hotel room. We went to cheerleading. We drove to Seattle then we went home now. That's the end.)



Ms Eva said...

Wonderful! She did great! I keep trying to encourage my DD to write out her words phonetically and not worry about spelling but she can't seem to get over the hurdle. Kudos to R!

Nanny said...

Great Website!
I Love reading your comments!
Hope to see you soon!
Always, Nanny