Thursday, January 15, 2009

Week # 21

Kind of a slow week as far as school work goes, didn't get as much done as I had expected to but I am not dissapointed either as we had a nice week together and played and cuddled alot. We took Friday off to travel to Washington for a cheer competition. We spent the weekend in Tacoma and Seattle, with a lot of learning experiences along the way. It was a great week with a lot of family time!


I read aloud from Window on the World- Kal-Tamashaq
I read aloud Mathew 13:53-58, 14:1-12
I read aloud from Hero Tales- Samuel Morris
Memory Verse- Daily

Copied Memory Verse
DS- Yellow Book- Page 122-124
Vocabulary word of the week- Abridge- added to vocab notebook
Coloring page MLK Jr. (Lots of discussion this week)
I have a Dream worksheet-
DD- Started her Alphabet Workbook - (A-C) Coming up with 6 words for each letter on her own and then drawing a picture for each.

DD- Saxon lessons 55-57, Workbook #4 Pages 12-14
DS- Saxon Lesson 62
Played our new game "Money Bags" It is a coin counting game that I picked up hoping it would help DD with her counting skills. It is a great game and they really enjoy playing it! They didn't want to stop so it became our math lesson for the day.
Counting money worksheets (on our drive to WA)
DS- Various multiplication worksheets (on our drive to WA)

I read aloud from Illustrated World Atlas- People and Places, Nature
Played AFRICA geography game 2x 25 min.
Watched National Geograhic African Wildlife video- (One of my favorites that I have watched as of yet- though some of it was a bit much for DD)

We made African animals out of homeade dough- baked them and planned on painting them the next day. Unfortanatley, our dog decided she wanted them while we were away at cheer....

We played "Mancala" after learning that it is a game frequently played in Africa. We had intended on making our own game but were lucky enough to find the game very cheap while in town and decided to buy it as it would be more sturdy than our homeade game.

Washington worksheets (busy work for our long drive) I will be sharing this later as her writing was SO impressive!
Book basket- 3x 20 mins.

I read aloud from Living World- Grassland Meat Eaters, Survival of the Grasslands, Life UndergroundDD- added a page to her Nature Notebook- drawing of an ostrich
We watched an episode of Oregon Field Guide-


Wee Sing- Songs from Africa

DS- Continued reading HOOT, A Juenne Fille Named Marie, Various Pokemon books
I read aloud David Livingstone Chapters 5-8
Martin Luther King by David A Adler, Martin Luther King Jr - from Jan. Teacher resource book, The Story of Martin Luther King by James Riordan


Cheer 4x- Competition in Tacoma WA- (They took 2nd place! It was the biggest competition they have attended this year, the competition was tough but they held thier own!!)

Playdate at our house with a new friend.

Trip to Washington (more on that in a later post)


Ms Eva said...

Oh Kona! Considering that she ate the kids' art ...this seems the perfect URL for your blog! I'm sorry but I couldn't help but giggle. "The dog ate my homework!" I suppose that works in homeschool, too. :D

We watched Oregon Field Guide, too! Love that show!

Thank you for the pictures of R in her cheer costume. She's so beautiful! Hugs to my niece!

I came across a book at our library book sale "Geography Songs" - I borrowed a CD from a friend. I'll have to share it with you - great songs to learn all the countries and capitals.

Glad you had a great week!
