Still no computer (It had to be sent back to the factory- so it will be a while)
DD/DS- Saxon Math
DD/DS- Math review worksheets
DD- Spelling Wkbk Pg 80-
DD-Spelling Test 9/10
DD-Spelling Pre-test 5/11
DD- Wkbk Pg 119- (Thank you notes,Invitations)
DD-Wkbk #2- Pg 14- (Reading, Thinking, Writing Skills)
DS-Spelling Review Lesson 9-11
DS-Wkbk- Pg 133- (Common and Proper Nouns, Singular and Plural Nouns)
DS-Wkbk #2 Pg 142- (Review, Homophones)
DS/DD- both worked creating their own blogs- they now have their own accounts :)
DD/DS- posted to their blogs (hoping to make this a regular thing to practice writing/typing/communicating skills)
DD- Master Reader Lesson #24
DS- learned about email and got his own email account. He has been having fun writing to friends and relatives all week. (Great writing and typing practice!)
Continued our memory work- Memorizing the books of the Old Testament
SOTW- Ch#17-19
SOTW-Review Questions Ch 17-19
Read from Usborn Ancient World- Life on Crete
Map Work- Life in Early Crete
Activity- Theseus and Minotaur
Spectrum 3 Lesson 1.5- Hot colors
Worksheet 1.5
Continued our Animal Study- Adding Walruses and Wolverines to our notebooks
DS- Drum Lessons
Listened to our new favorite classical compilation CD throughout the week
LOTS of silent reading time
Finished reading "The Melodian" aloud- (It was supposed to be our Christmas reading book but we didn't end up getting to it- better late than never!)
DS- Rosetta Stone- Core Lesson 2.1, Pronunciation 2.1
DD- Rosetta Stone- Speaking 1.1, Review 1.1 (Going to have her redo this entire lesson- she is struggling with it)
DD- Tumbling Practice
DD- Cheer Private Lesson
DD- Cheer Practice 2x
DD- Cheer Competition
DD- Sunday School/Church (DS and I were home sick)
DS- Road Trip with Dad
DS/DD-Playdate with friends
Leading Little Ones to God Review
1 week ago
In no time, the kids will have their own Facebook account, like Gina's! ;)
Prolly not for a long while yet- Not quite comftorable with that just yet- email for C is good enough for me for now
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