Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekly Report #21

Started the week with sick kids and ended the week with a sick Mommy!(Figures- just as I felt we were back to normal from our break!) We made the most of it. LOTS of reading time= more snuggle time- documentaries and talking :)

DS- Saxon 5/4 Lesson 78

Introduction to oral reports-
Practiced oral reports for our MLK study
MLK Jr. Study-
Read numerous MLK books
MLK worksheet
"I have a Dream" Worksheet
DD-Spelling Pretest- 10/10
DD-Spelling Test 10/10
DD-Spelling Pretest (next weeks words) 4/10
DS- Finish Lesson 11
DD- Master Reader Lessons 22-23
DD-Wkbk #2- Pg 10-13 (Reading, thinking,writing skills)

Watched video "Joseph and his brothers"
Began memorizing books of the Old Testament
Listened to Nic at Night - A musical play about Nicodemus
Studied the book of Malachi-
Memory Verse- Malachi
Continued our Mummy project- Still waiting for it to dry out- I think we are almost there- thank goodness! Getting tired of hiding it from the dog!
SOTW-Chapter 16
Review Questions- ch #16
Map Work- The Return of Assyria

Watched the documentary- "Raging Planet- Lighting"
Specrtum Science Lesson 1.4 (the Metric System)
Spectrum Worksheet 1.4

Listened to our new CD "Tchaikovsky- The Nutcracker" and our other new classical compilation CD throughout the week
Made book marks and pencil toppers
DS- Drum Lesson

Finished reading aloud from "Among the Imposters" Ch #22-36 - The kids are still very intrigued with the series and excited to pick up the next but we are going to take a break (Not to their liking) from them to continue on with our planned reading that goes along with our history studies.
Began reading "The Melodian" (Thanks Fred for letting us borrow it!)
Lots and lots of silent reading time!

DD- Tumbling practice
DD- Cheer Private Lesson
DD- Cheer Practice
DD- Cheer Competition (Team took 1st and DD took 2nd for her individual routine)
DD/DS- Playdate at friends house
DS- Sleepover at friends house
DD- Sunday School


Ms Eva said...

We checked out Ry's new blog but still are not able to leave comments there. I don't want to trouble you with it but thought you'd want to know. We tried with both Firefox and Safari web browsers. We click upon "0 Comments" or "Leave a Comment" nothing happens.

Sweetie said, "Oh!! That is so her!" when she saw the new template. :)

We are studying Tchaikovsky now, too! You'll have to see if you can't find the CD The Story of Swan Lake [sound recording] / music by Tchaikovsky by Maestro Classics. It was very informative. Another one that is great is "Tchaikovsky Discovers America" (there is a whole series of these featuring different composers).


Oregon Mom said...

Thanks for letting me know! I think I have it fixed now :) she is so happy to have a blog again. I kept putting it off....

Thanks for the info!

Christie said...

Sounds like another great week.

Ryleigh has a blog? How did I miss that? I would love to read it!

Oregon Mom said...

Yeah She has a blog- She had one before- but started a new one this week- It is listed in my blog roll to the left. C just started a new blog this week too- his is listed there as well :)